I haven't done a post on nails for a while now, and recently have been buying so many new shades that I have gathered quite a collection. Ever since I stopped nibbling my nails I've become addicted to looking after them and constantly putting a new colour on them. So today I thought I would share my top 10 favourite nail polishes.
I haven't put them in an order from 1-10 as I think it's pretty hard to put them in order. It all depends on what mood i'm in or what shade will match my outfit for the day. The one i'm using the most at the moment is the Look Nail Pop from Superdrug, the colour is 'Beret' and it costs £5 which I think is great value for a good polish.
Lately for some reason I have really wanted green nail varish, I have a light shade from OPI but wanted a darker green so I found this one by Rimmel. The thing I love about Rimmel nail varnishes is that they are great value, they are around £3-£4.
The bright blue polish from Barry M is lovely, i've never known it to chip and can last for days without a scuff.
I got the Missguided polish free with a copy of Cosmopolitan magazine last year. I love the shade. This year they gave another one away but that hasn't quite made it into my top ten.
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